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Virtual trade fair: Isolated solution vs. long-term strategy

Virtual trade fair: Isolated solution vs. long-term strategy

The virtual trade fair has been around for years as a digital alternative to the real trade fair - it only became established during the shutdown of the Covid-19 pandemic. From a strategic perspective, however, the question now arises as to whether this is a short-term phenomenon or a long-term development. This analysis is crucial for the question of whether a virtual trade fair requires a short-term or long-term strategy in the marketing mix.

Virtuelle Messen: Insellösungen vs. langfristige Strategie

Virtual trade fair - flash in the pan or virtual event solution?

Looking at this question in the context of the past Covid-19 pandemic is not only scientifically incorrect, but also dangerous from a business perspective. The motivations for a virtual trade fair are too different and the feedback on the success of virtual trade fairs is just as varied.

If you want to make a well-founded decision here, you have to place the virtual trade fair in the context of global and long-term marketing developments. One of the most central changes in marketing is the trend towards inbound and content marketing. This trend is analogous to the change in user behavior: users want to find out about products and make an informed purchase decision themselves. The days of active sales are over. Marketing and sales are becoming advisors to the customer along the customer journey.

The contribution that virtual and real trade fairs can make to the customer journey is therefore crucial in determining the strategy. This also directly implies that it is not an “either-or decision” - rather, the strengths and weaknesses need to be weighed up against each other and the strategic use of the two supposed alternatives planned accordingly.


Customer journey - digital vs. physical touchpoints

Looking at the customer journey in terms of digital and physical touchpoints provides a very good introduction to the issue.


The customer journey approach has become increasingly important in online marketing. The reason for this is not that offline marketing has not thought about the customer journey, but rather due to the simpler tracking of touchpoints in the digital world.

How can I measure touchpoints in the real world?

The visualization of the touch points makes it clear that there are generally fewer physical than digital touch points. The ongoing trend towards digitalization is further accelerating this. A look at city centers illustrates this development in the area of store touchpoints (retail). However, this increasing imbalance can also be a possible reason for the positive development of the live communication sector (trade fairs & events) in recent years.

If real trade fairs are now being “replaced” by virtual trade fairs, further physical touchpoints (below-the-line) will disappear. This means that virtual trade fairs are just another digital touchpoint and cannot replace the physical touchpoint “real trade fair” that has disappeared.


Virtual trade fair: Standalone vs. hybrid

The previous section has shown that both the short-term and long-term replacement of real trade fairs with a virtual event solution cannot replace physical touchpoints. If a “virtual trade fair” is to be used sensibly, then it must inevitably be a sensible addition to “real trade fairs” and cannot be considered separately.
The advantages and disadvantages of the respective formats must always be considered in the context of the customer journey (see section 1).

Virtuelle Messe vs. Reale Messe

The following ideas serve this purpose:

  • Real trade fairs take place at a specific time, in a specific place and for a specific period of time.
  • Naturally, however, the contacts of our target group are in different phases of the customer journey. This means that the real event can only reach part of the target group in terms of the customer journey due to the restrictions (fixed time & limited time period).
  • The virtual trade fair therefore has the potential to compensate for the limitations of the real trade fair (time and location).

The following therefore applies to the use of a virtual trade fair:

  • The virtual trade fair must extend the duration of the real trade fair and thus provide the content over the long term.
  • The target group must be able to access the content at every stage of the customer journey.
  • The virtual trade fair must be a fixed and long-term component of the customer journey.

Institutionalization of the virtual trade fair in the customer journey

The last section has shown that the virtual trade fair makes a meaningful contribution to the customer journey as a supplement to the real trade fair, as it provides content in the long term (content marketing).

At the same time, however, the strategy of the virtual trade fair must meet the requirements of the AMICO model:

  • Authority: The content of the virtual trade fair must be under the company's own sovereignty and control.
  • Measurable: The success of the virtual and real trade fair must be measurable and its impact on the target group must be transparent.
  • Integrated: The content of the virtual trade fair must connect seamlessly with the existing content.
  • Connected: The system must be able to “talk” to communication tools via interfaces.
  • Ongoing: The content of the virtual trade fair must be permanently available.

AmicoModell EN


SSoftware architecture according to the AMICO model

In order to be able to implement the requirements of the AMICO model, the following requirements must be placed on a virtual event platform.

  • Authority: The platform and the content must be fully under the control of the company.
  • Measurable: The success of the virtual and real trade fairs must be measurable and its impact on the target group must be transparent.
  • Integrated: The virtual events must integrate seamlessly into the company's own software landscape.
  • Connected: The system must be able to “talk” to communication tools via interfaces.
  • Ongoing: It must be possible to offer the content on a permanent basis.

A corresponding architecture can therefore only be achieved through the seamless integration of plug-ins into existing content marketing architectures.

 Software-Architektur gemäß AMICO-Modell

In order to properly implement the requirements of the AMICO model, virtual trade fairs should therefore not be integrated into the existing content marketing strategy as an ad hoc stand-alone solution, but rather in the long term.

The leading solution for this strategy is the VirtualShow plugin from Expocloud. The plugin is compatible with common CMS systems such as Drupal, Typo3, HubSpot, Magento and many more. The plug-in allows both 2D and 3D rooms to be seamlessly integrated into existing online presences and all elements of the rooms can be easily linked to existing content in the content strategy.

This approach has the following key advantages:

  • CAD models of showrooms, exhibition stands or even just exhibits can be imported directly into virtual event software VirtualShow and thus integrated into the existing website.
  • Existing content does not have to be specially prepared or exported for virtual trade fair stands or virtual trade fairs, but can be linked directly.
  • This extends the visit time of your own website and sends a positive signal to Google for “valuable content”.
  • Visitors are not directed to other platforms, but spend “their time” directly on the page of the “exhibiting company”.
  • The virtual space thus supplements the content strategy with additional, valuable content.


Zusammenfassung zur virtuellen Messe

  • Die virtuelle Messe wird reale Messen auch langfristig nicht ersetzen. Sie stellen vielmehr eine sinnvolle Ergänzung von realen Veranstaltungen dar.
  • Die virtuelle Messe besitzt gegenüber realen Messen den zentralen Vorteil, der Orts- und Zeitunabhängigkeit. Sie haben damit das Potential auf der gesamten Customer-Journey alle Interessenten als Content zur Verfügung zu stehen.
  • Die virtuelle Messe sollte daher langfristig und strategisch als virtuelle Event Lösung in die Content-Strategie eingebunden werden. Dabei sollte man die Vorgaben des AMICO-Modells beachten: Authority (unter eigener Kontrolle), Measurable (messbar), Integrated (integriert), Connected (verbunden) und Ongoing (langfristig).
  • Die virtuelle Messe wird daher sinnvollerweise als virtuelle Event Software mit einem PlugIn in die bestehende Content-Marketing-Software umgesetzt. So kann der bestehende Content einfach und sinnvoll mit räumlichen Modellen vernetzt werden.
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