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Company tour of the employment agency

Press release from 17.05.2015

At the WWM Service Hub, everything revolves around perfect warehouse management and the smooth logistics of myWWM customers' marketing resources. Employees from the employment agency learned about the structures, processes and various job profiles at the Alsdorf site during a tour of the company.

Getting to know each other, learning and experiencing in a practical way - these were the goals of the visit by the Employment Agency. Employees from the teams at the Aachen, Monschau sites visited the Service Hub of WWM in Alsdorf and learned how WWM has developed from a classic trade fair construction company into a solution provider for live communication and which job profiles have now become established in the company.

Employment agency visits WWM

After a presentation by CEO Dr. Christian Coppeneur-Gülz, visitors were able to experience live how logistics processes are organized and handled in practice. From the arrival of the material in the return zone, the visitors followed an exemplary flow of goods through cleaning and control stations to the customer-specific pallet locations. Christian Coppeneur-Gülz demonstrated the function of process structures that have been created in the company on the basis of intelligent IT solutions and which illustrate the innovative character of the company. In the Service Hub, warehouse staff work digitally with tablets and real-time access to the merchandise management system instead of paper lists. The reason: speed is a decisive factor for the live communication of customers from the B2B sector.

Another point of the tour was the visit of the new Print on Demand Ofiice with capacities for the production of individual print products in short runs. Finally, over a shared snack, there was a discussion about the company's culture of values, which have been formulated by WWM employees and form the basis of their joint work as a team.

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René Meures

Head of Marketing & Sales

Tel.: +49 (0) 2472 - 9910 65
