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Legal notice


WWM GmbH & Co. KG
Hans-Georg-Weiss-Str. 18
D-52156 Monschau
Telefon: +49 (0) 2472 - 99 100

Registration office: local court: Aachen
Register number: HRA 6869
Individually liable proprietor of the WWM GmbH & Co. KG: WWM Verwaltungs GmbH
Director of WWM Verwaltungs GmbH: Dr. Christian Coppeneur-Gülz
Register justice: Amtsgericht Aachen
Register number: HRB 14213
Value added tax identification number: after §27a Value Added Tax Act: DE 255639172
Responsible person after § 55 Abs. 2 RStV (V.i.S.d.P.): Dr. Christian Coppeneur-Gülz | Hans-Georg-Weiss-Str. 18 | D-52156 Monschau


1. Content of the online offer

The operator of this internet activity don't take any guarantee for the actuality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information. Liability of partners, which refers to material or ideal art, which was caused by the use or not use of the information, or rather through the use of defective or incomplete information, are generally suspended. All offers are without obligation and not binding. The operator could change, add or delate parts of the sites or the whole offering without any separate advertising. Moreover, it is possible to stop the buplication temporary or endless.

2. Censure and links

If there are any direct or indirect censures to stranger websites ("hyperlinks"), which are outside of the responsibility accounting of the operator, a commitment for liabilities only take effect, if the author is informed and if it is technical possible and reasonable for him, to avoid the use in case of illegal contents. With this, the operator explicit explains that the liked sites were without any illegal contents at the time of uploading. The operator doesn't has got any influence at the aktual and future arrangement, the contents or the authorship of the linked/connect sites. Thus, he distances herewith explicit from all contents of the linked/connect sites, which was changed after the uploading, inclusive all subsites. He doesn't adopt the contents as one's own. This statement/explanation is effective for own internet offer, links and censure and for entries from stranger in guest books, discussion forum, link registers, mailing lists and in all different forum of database, where you can get access. Only the operator of this site, not the person, who only point to the publication guarantee for illegal, faulty or incomplete contents and especially for defects, which are results of the using or not using of these information.


3. Copy right and indicator right

The operator aims to consider in all publications the indicator rights of the pictures, graphics, tone documents, video sequence and texts, to use self-made pictures, graphics, tone documents, video sequence and texts or to come back to licence free pictures, graphics, tone documents, video sequence and texts. All inside the internet offer named and protected marks and brands are absolute subject to restrictions of the valid rights of the owner. It can't draw a deduction that third doesn't protect the marks. The copyright for published, from the operator self-made objects, only stays on the operator's sight. Data of this website and the layout only refer to the copy right. All rights reserved. A duplication or use of such graphics, photos, tone documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publication, is disallow if there are any explicit agreements. Any handling, duplication and distribution and/ or public replay without any explicit agreement of the operator, is a copy right offense, which will prosecute criminally and need a damages.


4. Privacy

If there is any need to insert personally or business data (mailing address, name, address), the surrender is only on voluntary basic. The usage and payment of all services is - if technical realizable - permitted with anonymized data or as a pseudonym. The use of the published contact names, post address, telephone and fax number and mailing addresses from thirds for sending not asked information, is not allowed. Legal measures against the sender of spam mails are explicit reserve.


5. Legal force of this liability exclusion

This liability exclusion is to consider as a part of the internet offer. If there are parts or several formulations of this text which don't correlate correct to the legal positon any more, are the other parts of this document still intact.