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Veterinary medicine in trade fair construction

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Trade fairs in the veterinary sector

In Germany, there are many veterinary medicine congresses and trade fairs in the field of veterinary medicine. In this context, veterinary companies are very interested in sponsoring congresses in order to cultivate customer loyalty. As an accompanying event, there is almost always an exhibition where the veterinary industry presents itself: Pharmaceutical companies, surgical equipment, practice software, practice equipment, accessories for veterinary practices, clothing for veterinarians, etc.    

Fairs for animal lovers (so-called consumer fairs) have a different focus: here the animal as a family member is in the foreground. The products are partly the same as at the veterinary congresses, but the way they are presented is completely different: Trade visitor events are focused on the use, effect and application of the animals, while consumer events are focused on the welfare of the animals.

Thus, the exhibition stands are also very different:

  • Trade congresses in veterinary medicine entertain visitors during the congress lecture breaks to create a feel-good atmosphere for them during the breaks.  Although there is currently also a tendency at trade fairs to present the trade fair presence in an emotional and "playful" way, the focus is clearly on good hospitality.

  • Consumer fairs in the animal sector, such as Eurotier, set up much more emotional and striking exhibition stands than trade fairs. The visitor should look around and buy something in as short a time as possible so that a maximum number of visitors can be served.

  • Hybrid trade fairs are increasingly used in the veterinary sector to compensate for cancelled trade fairs and as a supplement to the real trade fair presence. 

Do you need help planning your exhibition stand for a veterinary congress?

Please feel free to send us your inquiry without obligation.

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About the Veterinary Congress (TÄK)

The Leipzig Veterinary Congress is held every two years and is an absolute success story. In 2020, the 10th anniversary event took place, so the TÄK has been around for 20 years.  

The congress is an advanced training event in veterinary medicine and is the most diverse and best-attended of its kind in the whole of Germany. Visitors come from all over the German-speaking world. The TÄK addresses practitioners and veterinarians in the livestock and pet sector, as well as veterinarians from public institutions, the veterinary profession, science and industry. The opening event with welcoming and keynote speeches will be carried by big names from the industry, and keynote speeches will round off the opening programme of the veterinary congress. 

Leipzieger Tierärztekongress

The veterinary congress is organised by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Leipzig, the veterinary chambers in Thuringia, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Brandenburg, Berlin and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, and Leipziger Messe GmbH, in whose halls the event is also being held. The Congress Center Leipzig (CCL) is the perfect venue: modern, short distances and a pleasant ambience with capacity for a large trade fair. 

The four-day congress programme is impressive: The focus of the veterinary congress is on topics such as the public perception of the veterinary profession or the cooperation of the veterinary chambers. The fields of the veterinary profession are extremely diverse, and there are more than 470 lectures and further education courses on the animals themselves, but also on comprehensive topics such as law, animal protection as well as epidemics or toxicology.  

From "Tooth extractions in cats" or "Fracture care made easy" to "Internal emergencies" and forensic topics such as "Animal welfare law and ethics", there are countless lectures that can be booked. 

About the Vetexpo exhibition  

In addition to the professional training at the veterinary congress, you can find out about new products and the everyday professional life of veterinarians at the vetexpo performance show. All the major pharmaceutical companies are represented here with impressive exhibition stands. But also companies for feed and health products, diagnostic equipment, surgical instruments or biobanks for veterinary medicine exhibit their latest products at vetexpo. Some exceptional highlights in 2020 were, for example, hemp oil for pets and dental care made from cottage cheese.  

In 2020, TÄK-vetexpo had 283 exhibitors. Furthermore, there is a job exchange for veterinarians, in which 28 employers participated. The supporting programme at every event is the congress party, and it shows time and again that the industry can party hard. But also an evening Magic Show or the Leipzig Veterinarians' Meeting put the networking idea in the foreground.

Special features of visitor behaviour

10th Leipzig Veterinary Congress 2020

  • The exhibition is about 15% more visited on Saturday than on Friday.

  • Despite accompanying seminars, the attendance pattern is relatively constant throughout the day.

  • It seems that only about 50% of the congress participants visit the accompanying exhibition.

  • Visiting times at the exhibition booths are relatively high at 10-15 minutes. To what extent this can be causally attributed to the catering of the booths cannot be definitively answered.

11th Leipzig Veterinary Congress 2022

  • The exhibition is most poorly attended on Saturday.

  • Despite accompanying seminars, visitor behavior is relatively constant throughout the day. On the 3rd day of the trade fair, the number of visitors to vetexpo drops sharply after the end of the congress.

  • Visiting times at the exhibition stands are relatively high at 10 - 13 minutes, although this is somewhat lower than at the last veterinary congress.

All evaluations are available free of charge in our trade fair studies.

Leipzig Veterinary Congress 2020

exhibition study of 10th leipzig veterinary congress

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Leipzig Veterinary Congress 2022

exhibition study of 11th leipzig veterinary congress

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Our exhibition stands at the Leipzig Veterinary Congress


MSD Tiergesundheit - TÄK

Industry: Animal pharma

Size: 70 sqm

Messestand Veyx-Pharma

Veyx-Pharma - TÄK

Industry: Animal pharma

Size: 110 sqm

bela-pharm - TÄK

bela-pharm - TÄK

Industry: Animal pharma

Size: 110 sqm

Plan your stand now for the next veterinary congress. We will support you.