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Fire protection regulations at the exhibition stand

Fire protection regulations at the exhibition stand

At a trade fair, there are many people in a limited space. Exhibition stands are often made of wood or lightweight building materials that are highly flammable. Advertising materials on the stand do the rest if a fire breaks out. To prevent a fire and other accidents at a trade fair, there are safety measures, guidelines and instructions that affect the planning of an exhibition stand. These regulations are specified by the respective trade fair organiser and may vary slightly depending on the organiser.

The trade fair organisers reserve the right to check compliance with the regulations on site and to refuse compliance if necessary.

There are a few basic aspects to consider when planning an exhibition stand to ensure that the safety regulations of a trade fair can be complied with. Obtain information from the trade fair organiser or ask your stand builder before you start planning. The regulations for an exhibition stand in the hall can differ greatly from those for a stand on the open-air site. But before you have to read through all the regulations, we will tell you what is important for you as an exhibitor.


Why fire protection is also of interest to exhibitors

Why should this topic be of interest to you as an exhibitor when a stand builder can advise you on fire protection and safety regulations at the trade fair and every trade fair organiser reports on this in detail in the regulations?

Even in the initial phase - even before you contact your stand builder or start looking for the right service provider - you should also think about fire safety regulations at a trade fair: you will no doubt already have one or two ideas for your stand or know how it should not be:

  • The trade fair stand concept should be very different from that of previous years
  • Wood look and pallets should be used on the stand
  • As an eye-catcher, we want to integrate a second floor on the stand

And even if these are only initial, rough ideas, you should always ask yourself in the back of your mind:

  • Do we comply with the trade fair's safety regulations with this stand concept?
  • Are there any fire safety regulations that we cannot fulfil with the stand?

Es wäre zu schade, wenn Sie von einer Idee für das neue Standdesign überzeugt sind und Ihr Messebauer Sie später darüber aufklärt, dass dies aufgrund von Brandschutz- und Sicherheitsvorschriften der Messe gar nicht möglich ist.

Daher möchten wir Ihnen in diesem Blogartikel eine grobe Übersicht über die Brandschutz- und Sicherheitsvorschriften im Messebau mit an die Hand geben. Folgendes sollte bei jeder Messestandplanung berücksichtigt werden:


Fire protection regulations

In many places, materials with low flammability are required for stand construction. The fire behavior of exhibition systems, graphics and furniture is distinguished by classifications:

  • For example, the materials on the exhibition stand must comply with Din 4102, at least building material class B1 (flame retardant) and Din EN 13501 (at least class c-s3, d0).
  • When using wood on the exhibition stand, acceptance depends on the exhibition halls and the respective operator: If only B1 according to DIN 4102 is required, planed solid wood already fulfills this requirement. Otherwise, impregnating the material can help to achieve the necessary classification.
  • Special “sandwich constructions” (as we affectionately call them internally) can cause problems. This colloquially refers to constructions that include a certified material in combination with a non-certified Lexan panel, for example. If these are combined, the certification is no longer valid for the certified material.
  • The use of e.g. polystyrene, straw or balloons with flammable gas is generally prohibited at some trade fairs due to fire safety regulations. A fire extinguisher may be required at the exhibition stand, which must be readily available in case of an emergency.
  • Depending on the trade fair, covered areas may need to be equipped with a sprinkler system. Every trade fair company offers specialist companies that carry out these services on the stands in the exhibition halls.


Safety in stand construction

Exhibition stands and exhibits must always be set up in such a way that they are stable and do not endanger people. The trade fair organizer can also specify concrete requirements and demand that the exhibitor implements them accordingly.

  • Please note the construction heights of your exhibition walls and towers; these vary greatly depending on the venue and the limitations must be planned into the exhibition concept.
  • The statistics must be taken into account and adhered to, especially for trade fair constructions with a second floor.

These regulations may vary depending on the trade fair organizer. However, a look at the trade fair regulations will show you what is and is not possible in individual cases and your stand builder will also advise you on this.



3 things you need to know as an exhibitor about fire safety regulations

  • What materials are used on the exhibition stand? Do they have fire protection certification?
  • Is additional protection (e.g. fire extinguishers) required on site?
  • Are there any special features in the stand's statics?

I hope that this blog article has made you more aware of the topic of fire protection and safety regulations on the exhibition stand and that you already have the most important features in mind with the initial idea for your new exhibition stand design. This way you can avoid disappointments or difficulties later on during implementation. Now nothing stands in the way of your successful and safe exhibition stand!

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